Cleaning pen Kinetronics SpeckGRABBER SG

Search Cleaning pen Kinetronics SpeckGRABBER SG KAISER FOTOTECHNIK (9893)


Cleaning pen Kinetronics SpeckGRABBER® SG
Removes single particles of dust and dirt from sensitive surfaces without leaving any residues. Especially suitable for objectives, oculars, cover slips and cameras. The tip with high adhesive strength, can be cleaned with cleaning solutions,...
Cleaning pen Kinetronics SpeckGRABBER® SG
Removes single particles of dust and dirt from sensitive surfaces without leaving any residues. Especially suitable for objectives, oculars, cover slips and cameras. The tip with high adhesive strength, can be cleaned with cleaning solutions, water or soap solutions without any impact on its adhesive strength.
PN Manuf. PN Supplier PK Type General Price Quantity Status Add
6312111 702001 Kaiser Fototechnik 1 Kinetronics SpeckGRABBER® SG 15.45 EU Search Please contact us
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